Friday, 1 March 2013

Doubt - don't let who you think you are keep you from being all that you can.

Why is it we always doubt our own ability to do something?
We can so easily have faith in others but when that comes to yourself it's so difficult.
For me I often wonder if I will ever get to goal - I mean can I actually do it?
More recently its doubting my ability to run Bath Half marathon on Sunday. It's totally unrealistic - I've run Bristol, I can finish. I've done a the right training for Bath, so im in *good* shape for it. I have amazing friends and family who have sponsored me & are coming down to watch so why so i feel so scared?! I need to have the confidence in my ability to do something I never could.
I don't know whether its because I want to beat my time I'm putting pressure on myself. But at the beginning of the week I was so EXCITED now however I am shitting it!
But you know what - I know it's going to hurt, I know I'm going to have low points but I will finish!

I'll see you at the finish line!
Lots of love


  1. Wishing you the very best of luck tomorrow. I am going through something similar myself. Running my first ever race (10K) tomorrow too. Will be thinking of you :)

    Best of luck! Go smash it!

  2. Good luck with your half, you can do it!
