Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Bad Day!

I have a feeling this blog is just going to be a ramble of me moaning, as that's the mood I'm in after the day I've had. It hasnt been THE worst day ever, but it's PMT week, which makes everything 10x worse!! I've had problems with my old student accomodation, and student finance, and I just wanted to stay at home with my mum and home comforts, but I had to come back to Bristol to work, as I decided to stay here over the summer and work as home used to make me bored. I am now GREATLY regretting that decision. I know once this week's gone and I'm back to myself everything will be ok, but right now I want to be at home:(

WW has gone totally out of the window today - I just want to eat crap food, and lots of it, which wasn't helped by the fact my lovely mum made homemade welsh cakes this morning. And it's not her fault but I munched my way through a good 3 or 4 of them! arghh, so annoyed with myself.

I'm now fighting the temptation to go home, as it's only an hour away and I have a day off tomorrow after working this evening, but work at 8am on sunday morning would mean getting up at 6, which isn't appealing!!

Hoping a run in a bit will help get rid of some of these emotions and I'll be feeling as positive as I was yesterday.

Lovee Lovee

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