Staying on track this week will be a challenge as I'm at home for a couple of days and being at home is my weakness, but I will do it, I mean I'm going to be at home a lot over Christmas, I need some practise!
I've been a lot happier recently, I don't know why something seems to have changed, I've realised you have one life so may as well live it and don't dwell in all the sh** that happens. I mean I got a parking ticket the other day and was so happy I didn't care I had to fork out £35 for the bugger! but hey ho!
Also in one of my earlier posts I mentioned someone I really liked but I thought he didn't like me, well I've come to the conclusion I think I like the idea of him... rather than him. If this actually makes sense, it does in my head. Any way I'm moving on to better things... :)
Tonight after WI, I kind of went to Maccy D's .. whoops it's OK, I have a week to gain it back, I then drove home yey and have been to the cinema with one of my best friends. It was great, we haven't seen each other for like 3 months? and it was great, we saw Paranormal Activity 2... so I won't be sleeping for a few nights, it was a good film even if I did watch most of it through the holes in my scarf!
I love being at home:)
A day without laugher is a day wasted <3
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