Monday, 15 November 2010


So I was a little bit scared about all this new stuff, I don't deal with change well. But I decided to embrace it as it's all based on new science and they wouldn't bring it out if it didn't work with real results. So I stuck to it religiously, my Chinese last night came in under my 49 weekly points and WI revealed a 1lb GAIN! Disappointed would be an understatement! OK so my leader said that it was probably be because I had the Chinese last night and it would take a few days to "go away" kind of thing. SO I'm going to track this week religiously, will move my ass and get to the gym more, and despite writing this whilst eating oreo's, tomorrow morning brings a new start. 

Staying on track this week will be a challenge as I'm at home for a couple of days and being at home is my weakness, but I will do it, I mean I'm going to be at home a lot over Christmas, I need some practise!

I've been a lot happier recently, I don't know why something seems to have changed, I've realised you have one life so may as well live it and don't dwell in all the sh** that happens. I mean I got a parking ticket the other day and was so happy I didn't care I had to fork out £35 for the bugger! but hey ho! 

Also in one of my earlier posts I mentioned someone I really liked but I thought he didn't like me, well I've come to the conclusion I think I like the idea of him... rather than him. If this actually makes sense, it does in my head. Any way I'm moving on to better things... :) 

Tonight after WI, I kind of went to Maccy D's .. whoops it's OK, I have a week to gain it back, I then drove home yey and have been to the cinema with one of my best friends. It was great, we haven't seen each other for like 3 months? and it was great, we saw Paranormal Activity 2... so I won't be sleeping for a few nights, it was a good film even if I did watch most of it through the holes in my scarf!

I love being at home:)


day without laugher is a day wasted <3

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