Tuesday, 21 February 2012

This is a marathon not a sprint!

First of all, apologies for not blogging last week, life got the better of me! Any way I'm back and in a lot more control!

My last post was about how the scales isn't everything and that week I failed to take my own advice but after some reassurance from my wonderful friends and family I picked myself up and busted my plateau with a 2.5lb loss last week. This week has been draining; emotionally and physically with work and uni and I've constantly been in a "munchy" mood I did however stay tracking everything and used most of my weeklies so wasn't expecting much at WI today. I was greeted with a 0.5lbs loss which I am happy with. After all it's all in the right direction, and being quite close to goal I can realistically expect big losses every week.

I have this week realised how important exercise is. I hate hate hate the gym, some days when I'm walking there I'm still talking myself out of it and how better off I would be in bed, but afterwards I feel SOOO much better and love it. How does that work?!! One thing I have developed a small liking for is circuits. I've been going for about 6 weeks every Monday (the trainer has even started calling us the regular crew!!) and I feel like I've really had a good workout afterwards. So I'm going to try and go on a Wednesday as well as this will me 2 great workouts plus my usual gym sessions. But I know I don't push myself as hard as the circuit trainers do! I'm rambling on about this here as it means it's out there and I kind of have to stick to the plan!

Today is pancake day!!! YIPEE! Now for the true fatty in me this gets me so excited! And I may over indulge a little bit, but I have every intention to point them and use my weeklies, and I am going to bootcamp and the gym before hand so I will feel like I've earnt them! What will you all be eating in yours?! My and the girls have bought the new chocolate philly to put in ours, I tried a spoonful of it earlier and OMG it is incredible!! 

I'm going to leave you all with these recent photo collages I've just done. 66lbs down:)

<3 xxxxxx

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